
World’s museums

Here’s a selection of some of the best museums in the world. Get inspired for your next trip, because these are all must-see’s!

Musée du Louvre Paris

Both art collection and royal palace, including parts of the medieval castle concealed in the basement, the Louvre is mind-boggling in its scale and sheer wealth of treasures: from Classical sculpture, Egyptian relics and Mesopotamian antiquities to the unmissable galleries of Italian Renaissance paintings, Rembrandts and Rubens, medieval artefacts and French neoclassical and Romantic painting. The secret to mastering the Louvre is to combine a few key works you definitely want to see with the discoveries you make by wandering aimlessly.


Guggenheim New York

The iconic, shell-shaped Guggenheim, with its current flagship exhibition Art of Another Kind, featuring great European abstract expressionists from Bourgeois to Vedova.

Galleria degli Uffizi Florence

Italy’s richest and most celebrated art gallery, is housed in what was originally built as the Medici Whitehall – the governing dynasty’s administrative centre. It’s difficult to pick out the cherries from an already cherry-picked selection (there’s lots more in the vaults), but they would have to include Gentile da Fabriano’s Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli’s Primavera and Birth of Venus, Piero della Francesca’s twin portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino, and Michelangelo’s Tondo Doni. Booking, however, is virtually essential.


Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

The Dutch national treasure-house of art has at last re-opened after a decade-long renovation. Golden Age masterpieces by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Frans Hals and so many more are on show alongside centuries’ worth of fine furniture, Delftware, costume and jewellery. There’s a superb Asian collection, and new aquisitions which bring the display up to the present day.

The Hermitage St. Petersburg

A day isn’t really enough to do justice to the Hermitage’s vast collection of art, which includes masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and Rembrandt. Indeed, officials say it would take 11 years to examine every single exhibit. Wander on the vast Palace Square beforehand.

Wich one would you like to visit?

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